Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Reverse Fatty Liver Disease

Did you know that one third of all Americans suffer from a little known condition named "steatosis" or fatty liver?

This common disease causes nausea, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, bad breath, rashes, among other small maladies that are so frequent nowadays.


Because it is far more lucrative to heal liver disease at more advanced stages, the pharmaceutical industry is not very interested in healing this mild condition (step one to cirrhosis and liver cancer and failure).

Fortunately, science is not limited to the pharmaceuticals and a few studies have shed some light on how to reverse fatty live disease.

The first step is exercising more. Exercising puts your liver in "fat burning mode". Because fatty liver consists of accumulated fat on your liver cells, this will reverse the condition.

But alone exercise may not be enough and diet comes as a second important step. Raw vegetables and fruits should be added, meat and milk should be avoided. The reasons for this are many and you can find out more details on a healthy liver diet on the resource below.

Avoiding anything that can cause damage to your liver is also important. Unfortunately, because your liver is the organ responsible for handling toxic waste in your body this means a lot of the things you may be used to, top of which are alcohol, coffee, and tobacco. Both medical drugs and natural remedies have also been linked to sometimes severe liver damage.

Finally, some herbs have been studied for their liver healing effect. Many have been proven to be a scam, but three stand out: milk thistle, turmeric, and ginger. These three combined have reversed even serious cases of liver disease, like cirrhosis and cancer, and they consistently reversed milder cases.

How to Reverse Fatty Liver Disease



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