Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chiminea Care

The quality of Chimineas on the market will vary dramatically. Ranging from the basic models that are typically not baked or kiln dried and are not painted or sealed to protect from weather. The other extreme would be clay chiminea that are fired and when finished are painted and sealed which will allow greater protection from the weather.

hepa shop vac

The price of your Chiminea may not reflect whether you have purchased a quality product or not, either way your Chiminea will require some amount of maintenance.



It is important for you to seal your Chiminea, using future floor wax or Butchers wax are two brands which work well with your chimenea. By using a rag and wax wipe over your chiminea to seal up the pores and small hairline cracks that may not be visible to the eye.

When you have finished using your chiminea, it should be protected from the weather to prolong its life span. Most Chiminea dealers will have custom fitting covers specially made for your chiminea. Covers are a good investment and can be found for less than .

Storing your Chiminea

If you live in locations where temperature goes lower than zero and freezes it's recommended that you store chiminea indoors, shed or garage as leaving your chiminea outdoors will potentially cause your chimenea to crack due to the moisture and freezing.

Preparation for storage is simple, firstly remove the sand then remove the chiminea from the stand. If your storage location has no heating, place the chiminea on a raised level to allow the circulation of air below.

Chiminea Care



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