Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Air Purifiers - Efficiency Level

There are several aspects that should be considered when you are computing the efficiency level of the air purifiers. Basically the efficiency level tells you how proficiently the device is working in order to eliminate impurities from the environment. However there are two most important aspects that must not be ignored in measuring the efficiency level. One is the quantity of air that the air purifier can purify every hour and the percentage of pollutants and impurities that the device eliminates from the air that is flowing within. The 2nd aspect is known as the efficiency.

hepa vac

You can get better understanding of the efficiency level from the given example. Say if the atoms number per cubic foot of air that is inserting the air cleanser is one million atoms and the atoms number per cubic foot of air that is leaving the filter is around three hundred then the efficiency of the device is going to be 99%. From this you actually come to know why efficiency of the air purifier is very much vital. Say if an air purifier has the efficiency level of only sixty percent then it means about 0.4 million atoms will be going back into the environment which is a problem.


You can find several diverse air cleansing devices in the market but the device that you must prefer buying is the one that has got the highest efficiency percentage. Do not buy those air purifiers on which the efficiency level is not written. If you have bought a HEPA filter and have set it up in your air cleansing device then there are certain other factors that must be considered as well. When the air is pulled in the air cleanser, some quantity of air actually avoids the filter element and that depends on the manner the filter is installed within the air cleansing device. Majority of the HEPA filters allow only forty to fifty percent of the air to flow through the filter medium which actually shows really bad performance. This means that the majority of the air is not purified and the impurities still exist in the atmosphere that can harm your health and fitness. So you must remember to buy the air purifier that has got a very high level of efficiency about ninety percent so that it can clean maximum impurities from the environment and in turn you will be able to breath comfortably.

Air Purifiers - Efficiency Level



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