Friday, August 26, 2011

The Truth About Unilateral Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia or man boobs is abnormal enlargement of the breast of men. This is quite embarrassing for any man, but is actually very common. Normally this occurs during puberty stage because there is hormonal imbalance during this time. When men reach adulthood, this unilateral gynecomastia disappears. However this is not the case for everyone. There are times when breast tissue still remains which can be a problem. For elderly men, this is often associated with weight gain. Aside from hormonal imbalance, there are medications that can hamper estrogen. This is also sometimes due to alcohol intake or a disease in the liver.

Unilateral gynecomastia can actually be corrected surgically. It could potentially be a sign of other serious disorders like tumors, although this is rare. If there is a significant enlargement in the chest, it is best to go to the doctor and have a medical evaluation. Sometimes it is caused by a tumor found in the breast or lung. It is best if a biopsy is performed in order to rule out any potential for cancer. There is unilateral gynecomastia because of fat accumulation. In order to diagnose if this is the case, a physical examination is required. The doctor will use thumb and forefinger at margins of the breast. This is to test the tissue underneath the area. If the tissue is moving, it is a sign of developing unilateral gynecomastia.


If you decide the problem is severe enough to warrant looking for a solution, possible treatments are dependent on several factors. One is the cause of the gynecomastia. If this is caused by medication, it is best to stop taking any of the drugs that could be causing it (with your doctors consent of course). If it is due to puberty, then it is best to leave it at least until adulthood when the condition should have disappeared. Man boobs can be caused by hyperthyroidism, acute hepatic disorder and others that would respond to therapy. There are actually some causes of unilateral gynecomastia that can only be detected through physical exam. It requires no therapy other than treating the root cause.

Another factor to consider is the length of time. If it has been present for only six months or less, there are treatments that will work very quickly to eliminate the condition.

The most effective cure for this is actually surgery. The glandular tissue would be removed. This would certainly lead to improvement in appearance. Treating this can actually improve the confidence of men in dealing with others.

The Truth About Unilateral Gynecomastia



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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this information from this post. But What will be the total cost of Unilateral Gynecomastia Surgery ?

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