It's Sunday morning and there is a legion of Roman gladiators marching across your brainpan. The thunder of boot steps in your head matches the unusual rhythm of your heart, which feels particularly erratic as you lay on a bed that seems to be floating in an ocean at high tide. That ocean is the hither to uncharted region of Nau-SEA-ah.
Plain and simple, you are hung-over.
We all get it when we least want it. It's not enough to toil through a six-day workweek to finally go out and blow off some steam. Your only night out has a bill attached full of more extra fees than your first months cell phone statement.
Call me crazy, and most do, but it doesn't have to be that way. Let me tell you how I figured it out.
I have been a professional circus acrobat for the past eighteen years and have worked with companies like and including the world renown Cirque du Soleil. This lifestyle of incessant, stressful travel, gruesome physical toil with precious few vacations insists that I use every trick, technique, and advantage I could muster to function at optimal physical condition. Many years I have cultivated this tried and tested combination of hydration and vital supplementation to counter act the effects of hangover's. It is my gift to the world of the Eternal Party.
First off, what is a hangover?
With a myriad of high fructose corn syrup based drink mixes and toxic preservatives in beer, it is not as easy to pinpoint one actual culprit. But most seasoned drinkers know to avoid corn based beers and sugary drink mixes. I do, and your body-fat ratio will decrease if you stick to white spirits and beer made from non GMO grains.
With that said the other components of hangover's are that ethanol (aka, booze.), although doing a lovely ballet with your brain's serotonin receptors is also toxic to your liver.
Your liver is a powerhouse, one of the body's most regenerative organs. Enzymes in it quickly take action to convert that ethanol to an even more gruesome toxin called Acetaldehyde. This compound is highly unstable and quickly forms free-radicals (Chemicals which age you.). The more alcohol you drink, the more this traffic merger of Ethanol/Acetaldehyde leaves you exposed the ill effects of powerful toxins. This is the cause of your headache. Even when that subsides, the left over Acetaldehyde slowly turns to free radicals, aging you beyond your years.
If that wasn't enough, ethanol negatively affects your kidneys, causing them to become over reactive (Hence those frequent trips to the toilet.). The end result is fluid and electrolyte loss that weakens us more. We all know how tired we feel after a dehydrating day in the sun right?
So it's these two events concurrently transpiring in your body as you flail around the dance floor double-fisting beer that leaves you feeling like death the next morning. Dehydration and acetaldehyde exposure is a nasty combo that needs to be addressed before, during, and after you decide to celebrate.
First lets deal with dehydration, as it is the simplest to counterpoise. There is no free lunch and every action must have an equal reaction. So before I even start my wonderful evening of rapid dehydration and toxic liver overload I make sure I have primed my pipes with ample water intake all day. It is such a habit that it is now part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth. In all my years of flipping, handstands, and hanging from high I cannot extol the benefits of proper hydration enough. You are doing your body a great disservice if you ignore hydration.
The evening I go out, I pound a pint glass of water either in the bar, restaurant or at home as a sort of gesture of respect to the demons of nausea. Also, before I ever leave my home, I place beside my bed, a gallon water jug. The last thing I usually remember as I stagger into my room is my final war salute to the demons of nausea as I down a quarter of this bottle.
You may feel the need during the night to get up and pee. I urge you to do this, and upon returning, drink as much as you can from that gallon. Now, some might think that frequent bathroom trips leads to a restless sleep. I would argue that if you are too tired to get up and urinate, you will never truly relax and reach that REM state so vital to prevent sleep deprivation. Any time I have resisted the urge to pee and rehydrate I have ended up paying for it.
With this simple technique to rehydrate, you are half way to enjoying your Sunday hangover free. However, if you don't address the Acetaldehyde dilemma, your head will still be pounding in the morning. This is where the supplementation comes in and after many trials I have found the best remedy on the market.
It's called Mandur Bhasma and it is a compound used In Ayurvedic practices, a system of traditional medicine native to India dating back to 1500 B.C. I was introduced to this substance by my parents who have over forty years of combined experience in the Natural Health Industry. They operate a company called Nutritional Solutions offering health consultations and very high quality supplements.
My parents would often send me a product called Liv. 52 which contains one of the highest concentrations of Mandur Bhasma on the market.
The life of an acrobat means almost continual international travel. I frequently ran out of Liv. 52 and had to wait long periods without it's use. Because of this I began to observe a real difference the severity of my hangovers when I didn't take it.
Now, the practicality of my career as a professional acrobat insists that I perform optimally. If I fail, the best case scenario is I don't get paid.
The worst case scenario is I fall and die...
So I have neither the time nor money to fool around with supplements that have no effect on me.
I can honestly say Mandur Bhasma is one compound that is simply amazing for it's effects of eliminating hangovers. Indeed, I am recommending this product after many years of trial finally led me to seek out scientific research on exactly what it was doing to me chemically to completely nullify the effects of alcohol over-indulgence.
After many hours of study I uncovered a myriad of research in cellular biology covering this substance. At Shivaji University in India, five groups of lab rats were used to test Mandur Bhasma. Three of the groups had healthy rats. The other two groups contained rats already stricken with hepatitis (Degenerative liver disease.) or the beginning symptoms of it (Seriously damaged livers, known as Hepatic injury.). All of these groups were given either a dose of Mandur Bhasma, a powerful liver toxin called Paraffin, or a combination of the two, except one group of healthy rats used as a control.
Afterward the liver and kidneys of these rats were examined for cellular injury and weight (The more toxic a liver is, the heavier it becomes as it cannot properly eliminate those toxins.)
The results are quite conclusive. Rats treated with the toxic chemical paraffin showed a marked rise in weight of both liver and kidney as well as indications of cellular injury in both these organs. All the rats treated with paraffin and Mandur Bhasma resulted in the same kidney/liver function as the healthy rats in the control group!
Essentially the positive effects of Mandur Bhasma counteracted the ill effects of the toxic paraffin. Those rats with hepatitis or hepatic injury, although showing no change in organ weight, did show an increase in the liver enzymes that help reduce those toxins, called lypolitic enzymes.
I had been using the technique of hydration, which eliminated the effects on my kidneys while ingesting the powerful Mandur Bhasma in Liv. 52 counteracted the negative effects of Acetaldehyde accumulation for years without understanding the science behind it.
I recommend four tablets of Liv. 52 before you go out, four when you get home that night, and enjoy a pain free head in the morning. It's been working for me for many years and now and I finally know why.
The Best Hangover Cure on the Market