Monday, October 10, 2011

Nail Fungus Removers

So which of the nail fungus removers are the best? Toenail fungus's medical term is "onychomycosis", but the most frequently used term is "fungal toenails".

"Onychomycosis" expresses together fungus and yeast illnesses of the nail. This nail disorder is much more common in men than women. This is also very common under elder diabetics.


Back in the 1800's, cases of fungal toenails was minimal. The increasing number of infected people are because of a higher contact to fungus in public showers and sauna rooms in gyms, hot tops, public swimming pools.

Factors which are main causes of toenail fungus are the following: being male, nail trauma, deprived circulation, perspiring feet, foot fungus and a weak immune system.

Athletes are also more prone to get a toenail fungus infection. Anyone wearing shoes which are too tight, are at a greater risk of contracting nail fungus.

There are many nail fungus removers out there. One of the treatments for fungus is through oral antifungal treatment. The most popular of these medications are Lamisil and Sporonox. Unlike nail fungus removers, these medications can be costly and should be used once a day for three months. The efficiency of these medications vary between 60-80% and the reappearance rate is 15%.

Lamisil shows to be much more efficient and with less side effects compared to Sporonox. Taking these medications has been proven to produce benevolent drug interactions such as nausea, vomiting, taste disorders, light headedness, diarrhea, rash ect. Other serious unpleasant incidents which are very rare are hepatitis and acute hepatic necrosis. Unlike nail fungus removers, these topical solutions can only be purchased with an prescription and can also be very costly.

Other prescriptions which are also proven to lessen the thickness of infected nails are Keralac Nail Gel and Carmol 40. This can definitely lessen the thickness of the nail as well as the unsightly yellowness.

Nail Fungus Removers



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