Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3 Things Damaging Your Liver and Keeping You Fat - Be Cautious Before it is Too Late

According to the dictionary, your liver is a large organ in the abdomen that secretes bile and this is perhaps the most that a common layman knows about this very vital organ. The function of the liver is to handle toxic waste and bodily metabolism and these are the major causes behind liver damage.

When the fat (from food items that you consume) gets trapped in your liver along with toxins, the normal functions of the liver get impaired and you start putting on weight as well. Thus to attain weight loss, you must detoxify your liver through a liver diet at least twice or thrice a year and this will also contribute a lot towards protection from liver damage and liver disease.


# 1 - Obesity

Culprit number one behind liver damage is obesity, from the point of view of metabolism at least. Your liver starts absorbing and storing excess amounts of fat, more than its capacity, when you consume excess sugar and this leads to steatosis or fatty liver. When your liver cells start storing fat, precious resources are lost and this may lead to death in the long run.

# 2 - Alcohol

This is perhaps the greatest enemy of your liver and even if you drink moderate quantities of alcohol, it will surely lead to liver damage. If you are a regular and heavy drinker, it will only be a matter of time before you contract severe kinds of liver disease. And your weight loss will also go for a toss.

# 3 - Drugs

By drugs I refer to every kind of herbal oils, magic potions, herbal liver aid pills, homeopathic remedies, illegal drugs, smoking, caffeine as well as doctor prescribed drugs. However, there are of course exceptions, plenty of exceptions in fact.

3 Things Damaging Your Liver and Keeping You Fat - Be Cautious Before it is Too Late



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