Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yoga For Liver Care

A yogasana aims to attain a sustained and comfortable sitting posture to facilitate meditation. They also have wide range of therapeutic use. Meditation helps to calm the mind. Yoga also helps to cultivate Sattva (superlative quality of mind) and Ojas ( ultimate positive energy in the body)which is critical for a positive mind frame and healing process.

Asanas most helpful in hepatic conditions are vajraasana, shalabhasana, halasana, padahastasana, abdomen lift and stomach lift. These asanas improves the circulation of the blood to the hepatic cells, sensitises lymph nodes supplying liver, removes the toxins in the peritoneum and hepatic region.


Apart from the above Ardha Navasana works on liver, gall-bladder and spleen and helps to strengthen abdominal muscles. Sarvangasana works on glands and inner organs, especially heart and liver. Halasana stimulates stomach, spleen, small intestines, heart, liver, gall bladder, & kidney. Paschimothasana aids in condition of enlarged liver and spleen. Salabhasana stimulates pranic flow in the lung, stomach, spleen, heart, liver, small intestine, pericardium, & bladder meridians, increase digestive fire, and maximizes use of all nutrients, produce body heat. Dhanurasana helps to restore energy, vigor, youthful vitality, stimulates lung, small intestine, stomach, liver, & urinary bladder meridians.

In addition to these Ardha matsyendrasana, Mayurasana Trikonasana , and shavasana , also assist in hepatic conditions.

Care should be taken while performing Yoga and should be done only at morning or evening with calm mind. Pranayama helps in all disease conditions. Chanting of manthra and meditation in a quiet place is important to heal different emotions associated with liver. Nature walk and gazing at moon also helps to balance pitta. In addition an ayurvedic diet, some herbal ayurvedic medicines and life style modification will speed the recovery.

Yoga For Liver Care



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